Monday, March 28, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Foreign Aid

Give someone a fish, feed them for a day. Teach someone how to fish, feed them for a lifetime.

While most of government foreign aid is not doing as much as we would want, Africans are real people and it is good to help them in ways that we can.

Charities usually keep a close eye on where and how the money is used. If they don't, then people will stop giving to them. I would disagree with these statements, because I believe that wealth does not determine morality. John Stossel reporting foreign aid and if it really helps in Africa. Senator Rand Paul voices his opinion on cutting all foreign aid. He argues that we should stop borrowing money from China to give to Africa and the Middle East. Dambisa Moyo, a leading spokesperson on Africa, explains the alternatives to foreign aid and why Capitalism and entrepreneurship are better solutions for Africa. Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Wangari Maathai, discusses how Africans would be better off without foreign aid. FBN 93% of every dollar used for foreign aid goes to consulting.

These are links to a business located near where I am from that sells jewlery made by Africans who are paid fair wages for their work.


It looks like a more effective way to give them foreign aid.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Critical Look at Foreign Aid

(1.) An opinion article from the New York Times by Pulitzer-winning author Tina Rosenberg. Fair warning - this one is somewhere between medium-length and a little long, but it talks about a cash-on-delivery proposition instead of the current system of foreign aid :

How to Protect Foreign Aid? Improve It

(2.) If you've got access to audio and little time, another perspective to think about - Trailer for Good Fortune, a PBS documentary (length 2 min 37 sec) :

Foreign aid - good intentions gone wrong (trailer for Good Fortune)

*If for whatever reason you can't watch the video (or you want clarification on what you saw in the trailer), there's a summary of the documentary here under "About the Film."

(3.) Another clip of commentary on foreign aid, this one by economist and bestselling author Dambisa Moyo, as presented on The Globe and Mail (length 1 min 39 sec) :

How foreign aid helps fuel the despots

*Alternatively, you can get a look at Dambisa Moyo's views on foreign aid via summary of her book Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working (as presented in a Washington Times book review) here. If you're short on time, I'd skip to the second page. Also note that although it says there are 3 pages, the third page just has a blurb about the book reviewer, who is apparently a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and a former special assistant to President Reagan. In other words, there are only two pages of article.

*And just for the sake of completeness, for those who don't know, The Globe and Mail is the largest-circulation newspaper (and second-largest daily circulating newspaper) in Canada.

Friday, March 18, 2011

One more!

An article on the Egyptian facebook page that "sparked" the revolution:

Social Media

Media and Technology is a broad topic, but these articles focus on the growing power of social media. I'm assuming everyone knows what facebook and twitter are, but here are a few articles on social media and it's recent involvement in current events.

In relation to the Egyptian uprisings in particular:

Also, an article focusing on the shifts and changes of media coverage- and how these changes (especially during the Vietnam war) changed America and the American mindset of war:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Current events, Media, and Technology

"Current events, Media, and Technology" is a broad topic so here's a few websites to get you started:
-Good article about modern technology/media in Africa.
-Website that gives a lot of links to different articles about current geological events in Africa.
-This video is slightly boring but the message is important.
-Information about how mobile technology can help Africa.